Our services.

  • Social Media Execution & Strategy

    You know what your mama always said, “If you don’t have anything nice to post, don’t post at all.” Whether it’s assessing best practices, learning more about the different mediums, goal setting, developing an editorial calendar, or creating the content itself, Haley can help with both strategy and execution. Haley also offers workshops to work through questions and challenges unique to your business.

  • Impact Reports

    The development of a report from start to finish is a labor of love - one that typically lasts months and months and is a massive lift on internal communications teams. Haley has won three platinum international awards for her impact reports and would be happy to share her time-tested strategy for ensuring your most impactful stories get told well and at the right time.

  • Earned Media

    Having been a journalist, Haley knows what a good pitch looks like, how to identify the best place for your story, and how to usher a good story through the process with a balance of patience and persistence. She has successfully landed pitches in Scientific American, Fast Company, Wired, The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, The Ecologist, The White House Blog, and many more.

  • Writing

    Whether you’re in need of a fundraising email series, a year-end appeal, annual report, a press release, blog post, or website copy, Haley can turn numbers and jargon into narrative that moves the needle. She prides herself on asking hard questions to get to the why of a story, ensuring outcomes are front and center.

  • Communications Plans

    When you’re expected to strategize and execute at the same time, long-term planning often gets shelved. Haley would love to be your brain partner on developing a solid communications plan that takes into account capacity, target audiences, goals, and trajectory into consideration early. She has built dozens of communications plans in a variety of formats that ensure clients know exactly what’s coming next.

  • Messaging & Audience Strategy

    Chances are: You are not the target audience. Unless you put on someone else’s shoes when developing content, your message will be muddled. Haley has developed messaging & persona workshops that help identify your top audiences and then develop the elevator pitch and visioning documents that ensure the right people hear and resonate with what you have to share.